This course discusses and explores the history and theory of human-computer interaction and computational design, as it applies to digital storytelling, narrative practice and art making. Course includes intensive research and conceptual, project-based investigations.
Course Number: 491-001, 502-002
Meeting Time: M/W 8:30AM-9:45AM
Location: Leazar 310
Instructor: Prof. Todd Berreth –
Office Hours: M 1:00-2:00PM – Kamphoefner A204 (by appointment)
Communication: (This course requires students to use Slack, a team collaboration tool, for communication with their colleagues and the instructor.)
As outlined by Janet Murray in Inventing the Medium, everything made of electronic bits is potentially:
+ procedural (composed of executable rules)
+ participatory (inviting human action and manipulation of the represented world)
+ encyclopedic (containing very high capacity of information in multiple media formats)
+ spatial (navigable as an information repository and/or a virtual place)
These affordances make up the designer’s palette for representation in any digital format or genre.